Record basic intake information
Process: Record a CPS intake
The Basic tab on the intake record describes when the agency received the intake, the category and type of intake, and the intake narrative.
In order to save an intake record and obtain an intake ID number, you need to complete the following required fields: Intake Method, Responsible Region, Responsible County, and Narrative. The date and time the intake was received will be automatically filled with the current date and time, you may change the date if necessary.
Record basic intake information as follows:
To change the date and time, click in the Intake Date/Time field and make your changes. Be sure to select either AM or PM when you enter the time.
Click on the Intake Method drop down arrow to select an intake method.
Click on the Responsible Region drop down arrow to select a region.
Click on the Responsible County drop down arrow to select a county.
Click in Intake Narrative field to enter information about the alleged incident.
Click Apply.
Note the system-assigns intake ID number. You may find it easier to locate the intake record later by its intake ID number.
Click Next Task> below to continue.