IPA - Immediate Protection Agreement
An Immediate Protection Agreement An agreement between Parent/Caretakers and DCS created when a parent/caretaker’s access to the child needs to be limited due to concerns for the safety of the child. (IPA Individual Protection Agreement) is an agreement between Parent/Caretakers and DCS created when a parent/caretaker’s access to the child needs Needs (formerly referred to as Concerns) are behaviors and risks displayed by the child or family. This should include the reasons for DCS involvement with the family/child. to be limited due to concerns for the safety of the child.
Ø Click here for Add an IPA Individual Protection Agreement help
From the Quick Actions Quick Actions refers to the ability to quickly document an activity from the Person Home Page. Quick Actions can be selected from a drop-down list on the Person Home Page. In Phase 1, activities that can be 'quickly' documented without requiring navigation into case modules are: CFTM (Schedule, Reschedule, Cancel, Hold), Add/Delete Collateral Contacts, Add/Delete Consultations, Add/Delete External Assessments, and Add/Delete IPA. drop-down list on the Person Home page, select 'Add IPA Individual Protection Agreement'.
The following element is REQUIRED for adding an IPA Individual Protection Agreement record:
At least one (1) participant must be identified with a Role This term will be found in the Participant’s grid of the all activity sources with the exception of External Assessment. This term refers only the selected person and their role in the activity source and not their person relationships. Those types of associations would be recorded in the Person Associations hyperlink only. of Child Concerning The Child Concerning is the child who is the subject of a permanency goal. See "Person Concerning". in order to create an IPA Individual Protection Agreement record in pending status.
The following elements are REQUIRED to create an IPA Individual Protection Agreement record in completed status.
IPA Individual Protection Agreement Date
Cannot be a future date.
Restriction Action Step Action Steps are the actions and interventions that will lead the individual or the family to be able to achieve the outcomes expressed by a Need. Action Steps should be observable and measurable. They should include the names of the persons responsible for each step and when that step should begin. Interventions should utilize the strengths that already exist within a family and involve informal supports when available.
At least one (1) Restriction Action Step Action Steps are the actions and interventions that will lead the individual or the family to be able to achieve the outcomes expressed by a Need. Action Steps should be observable and measurable. They should include the names of the persons responsible for each step and when that step should begin. Interventions should utilize the strengths that already exist within a family and involve informal supports when available. must exist
Remember that Action Steps are associated with Need records.
To add a Restriction Action Step Action Steps are the actions and interventions that will lead the individual or the family to be able to achieve the outcomes expressed by a Need. Action Steps should be observable and measurable. They should include the names of the persons responsible for each step and when that step should begin. Interventions should utilize the strengths that already exist within a family and involve informal supports when available., create or select an existing in progress need.
Click the tab to add/view action steps for the Need.
Select type = 'Restriction' from the Add Action Step Action Steps are the actions and interventions that will lead the individual or the family to be able to achieve the outcomes expressed by a Need. Action Steps should be observable and measurable. They should include the names of the persons responsible for each step and when that step should begin. Interventions should utilize the strengths that already exist within a family and involve informal supports when available. drop-down list.
Start Date and Restriction Type are REQUIRED.
Date Legal Counsel Notified
Cannot be a future date
Signature Date
A signature date must be recorded for ALL non-Child Concerning The Child Concerning is the child who is the subject of a permanency goal. See "Person Concerning". IPA Individual Protection Agreement Participants.
Ø Click here for Delete an IPA Individual Protection Agreement help
From the Quick Actions Quick Actions refers to the ability to quickly document an activity from the Person Home Page. Quick Actions can be selected from a drop-down list on the Person Home Page. In Phase 1, activities that can be 'quickly' documented without requiring navigation into case modules are: CFTM (Schedule, Reschedule, Cancel, Hold), Add/Delete Collateral Contacts, Add/Delete Consultations, Add/Delete External Assessments, and Add/Delete IPA. menu on the Person Home Page, select 'Delete IPA Individual Protection Agreement'.
This option is only enabled when an IPA Individual Protection Agreement in In Progress exists.
A list of In Progress IPAs will be presented.
Select the row of the IPA Individual Protection Agreement you wish to delete in order to select it.
Click the Select button.
Respond to pop-up message: 'Are you sure you want to delete this record?'
OK to delete.
Cancel to cancel the delete action.