TFACTS History
This screen displays current and historical TFACTS records associated with a person. Records include cases, investigations, associated cases, intakes, resources, placements and others.
By clicking on the expando (+) next to each item listed, you will open a summary table identifying existing records of that specific type. In the Summary Table, the far left column contains the ID number of the item with a hyperlink. Click on the ID hyperlink to navigate to that record.
Case History - represents the family or adoption cases to which the person is associated as a Case Member.
Investigation History - displays all investigations and/or assessments for this Person ID as a Case Member.
Associated Case History - displays all cases where this person has been designated as an Associated Person.
Intake History - displays a list of intakes (CPS and/or Other Intakes) to which the person is associated.
Resource History - represents any Resource Homes to which the person is associated.
Resource Inquiry History - represents any Resource Inquiry records to which the person is associated.
Placement History - displays any placements recorded for the person.
Non-Residential Service History - displays a list of any non-residential services to which the person is associated.
Title IV-E Eligibility History - displays a list of any eligibility records to which the person is associated.
View Original Person - displays a list of previous identities for that person if any exist. Most often this will apply to adopted children and therefore, you will only be able to view this if your security profiles allows it.
Merge History - displays a list of merge requests where the person is identified as the primary person.
View a person's TFACTS history
[PM02 S01]