Education Profile - Create School Information Record

The Education module in TFACTS is for capturing details related to the schools a child/youth has attended, his/her performance in school, and any special education needs.   Education Information can be recorded for any person but is normally only done for children/youth who are receiving services from DCS.


School Profile

The School Profile screen provides a means to add a school to the person’s school history or view a list of all the schools that have been documented as part of the person’s school history.


Steps to Add a School:

*Note:  If an active (no end date) school record already exists for the person, it must be ended before a new school can be added.  See steps for ending a school.

  1. Click Add School. This enables the School Information screen.
  2. Select the Category of the school.  (Public, Private, etc.  This is the first step in filtering the list of all schools.) 
  3. For selected Category = Public, Private, GED/HiSet or Private DCS Provider School, a Search School action button is enabled.

a.     Click Search School. This enables the School Search Criteria screen.

b.    Search criteria that can be used are: School System Number, School District, School Name and County.

c.      Searching using School Name or by selecting the County of the school is recommended. Selecting the County will produce a list of all schools in the selected Category for that county. Choose the school from the list.

d.    The School Name and other identifying information will auto-populate.

  1. NOTE:  Please contact the regional FCCR if the search does not return the correct school.  If the school is known to be a new one, send the following information to the FCCR, who will submit it to be added to TFACTS:  *School System, *School Name, *School Address, *School City, State, Zip, *School Phone Number. 
  2. For selected Category = Post Secondary Program – Private, Post Secondary Program – Public and Home School, enter the School Name and other identifying information in the fields provided.
  3. For selected Category = Youth Development Center select from the list of DCS YDC’s.  Once a YDC is selected, the School Name and other identifying information will auto-populate.
  4. Select the Beginning Grade. Values available for selection are K-12, and GED/HiSet, Post-secondary College, and Post-secondary vocational.
  5. Select the Start Date.
  6. Click Save.


Steps to End a School:

  1. On the School Profile page, click the select link next to the school to be ended.
  2. Select the End Grade for the school.
  3. Select the End Date for the school.
  4. Select the Reason for Withdrawal/Transfer.  Values are:  Death, Dropped out, Earned GED, Enter GED Program, Enter Home School, Entering Post Secondary Program, Expelled, Graduated, Other, Promoted, Released from Custody, Transfer to another school, Zero Tolerance.

*Note:  Even though the field name indicates a withdrawal/transfer, this element is used for documenting a change in school OR promotion to another grade within the same school.

  1. Click Save.

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