Education Profile - Maintain Education Performance Info
The Education module in TFACTS is for capturing details related to the schools a child/youth has attended, his/her performance in school, and any special education needs. Education Information can be recorded for any person but is normally only done for children/youth who are receiving services from DCS.
The Performance screen in the Education module allows for collection of information related to an Academic Review for the person and for a Suspension/Expulsion event,
Steps to Add an Academic Review record
The following elements are required:
a. Review Date – Select the date the review occurred.
b. Grade Level – Select the grade level of the child/youth when the review occurred.
c. Describe Academic Performance – Narrative; document details describing child/youth academic performance.
d. Behavior Problems/Social Adjustments - Narrative; document details describing child/youth behavior problems or social adjustments that may be impacting academic performance.
e. Describe child’s attendance - Narrative; document details describing child/youth school attendance.
a. Child has repreated this grade: Check the box to indicate that child/youth has repeated this grade level.
b. 504 Disability Accomodation Plan
i. Begin Date
ii. End Date
iii. Comments
c. School age child misses school (or has missed school) for prolonged periods: Check the box to indicate that child/youth misses school
d. Academically behind due to poor attendance: Check the box to indicate that the child is academically behind due to poor school attendance.
e. Child’s educational needs require further assessment: Check the box to indicate that the child/youth needs further assessment of educational needs.
i. Type of Assessment Needed – Narrative; describe the type of additional assessment needed.
a. Child is 18, and will graduate prior to 19th birthday.
i. If this is selected, also complete the Expected Graduation Date field.
b. High School Diploma Received
i. If this is selected, also select the Type of Diploma Received (Regular or Spec. Ed).
ii. If this is selected, also complete the Graduation Date field.
c. High School Certificate Received
i. If this is selected, also complete the Date the certificate was received.
d. GED Certificate Received
i. If this is selected, also complete the GED Date field.
e. Post Secondary Completed
i. If this is selected, also select the Type of Post Secondary (Certificate, Diploma, License).
ii. If this is selected, also complete the Date the Post Secondary was completed.
[PM06b s01] (revised Nov 2017)