Establish-Reestablish Person
You will arrive at this screen from the Investigation Persons screen either by clicking an establish link or a reestablish link. On this screen you can either establish or re-establish a person.
If you clicked the establish link on an Investigation Person's row to get to this screen, you will see an Establish grid. Inside will be two grids: "Intake Participant" and "Establish To".
If you clicked the reestablish link on an Investigation Person's row to get to this screen, you will see a Re-Establish grid. Inside will be three grids: "Intake Participant", "Is Established As", and "Re-Establish To".
The 'Intake Participant' grid displays identifying information for the Investigation Person.
The 'Is Established As' grid displays information for the person the Investigation Person was established as. This grid has a Person ID instead of an Intake Participant ID.
The 'Re-Establish To' grid fields are not populated. This grid includes a Person Search button. Click the Person Search button and choose a person with a different person ID from the "Is Established As" person.
Record participants in an investigation