Assessment Details
This screen displays the Safety or FAST Assessment Details when an assessment is selected on the assessment screen. This screen will also display if a new assessment has been initiated but not completed. The information that displays and can be edited on this screen, depending on a workers security level are:
Assessment Date Represents the date that assessment occurred. This cannot be a future date and may be edited while status is ‘pending’.
Assessment Worker Enter last name & first name of worker who assessed the family and select from system generated options.
Assessed at Home? Yes or No. This field is conditionally required when submitting for approval. Selecting 'No' enables the Location field which then requires the information for where the assessment occurred.
The fields below are pre-populated and cannot be changed on this screen – they are read only.
Result is system generated after all required elements have been entered and the Calculate button is clicked. This is only changed when scores are edited and Calculate is clicked again.
Status is the system generated and can be indicated as ‘Pending’, ‘Pending Approval’ or ‘Approved’.
Pending- means the assessment has been initiated but not yet submitted for approval.
Pending Approval-means the assessment has been submitted to supervisor for approval.
Approved-means the Assessment has been approved.
Result Date is the date results were received after clicking Calculate. Clicking Calculate is the only way to update this date. If corrections are made to scores and Calculate is clicked again, the date will reflect the date of the recalculation.
If a Result of “Immediate Intervention Recommended” is returned, the question ‘Does Youth meet IV-E Candidacy criteria will display? Selecting “Yes or No” is required before the Assessment can be completed and approved.
This response is entered in the IV-E Candidacy column. If Yes is selected, a Need record will automatically be generated for the Youth identified if an active IV-E Candidacy Need doesn’t already exist.
Status Date is the system generated status
Participants displays information regarding the selected participants involved in the assessment – Role, Name, Age, Person ID, Gender. A column for CSEM Risk Score and Trauma Score may display only after the assessment has been approved. These scores are based on how the questions are scored. If participants have not yet been selected, click Add to select and assign Roles.
Non-Participant Non-Participant in the assessment - Default setting
Primary Caregiver Primary Caregiver of the Youth(s) involved in the assessment - only one can be selected.
Caregiver Secondary caregiver of youth(s) involved in the assessment - multiples can be selected.
Youth Youth(s) involved in the Assessment - multiples can be selected.
IV-E Candidacy? (located in the Participants grid) -Select Yes or No (for youth(s) only) to indicate whether they are at serious and imminent risk of removal from their home which is required only if Result of “Immediate Intervention Recommended” is returned.
Add participants involved in the assessment.
Delete participants by selecting the participant row and clicking delete.
Calculate will generate results based on responses to questions scored.
Approval click to submit for approval or if already approved view the approval history.
Family Together Tab displays assessment questions regarding the family
Caregiver Tab displays each caregiver listed, access assessment questions for each by clicking the dropdown arrow.
Youth Tab displays each youth listed, access assessment questions for each by clicking the dropdown arrow.
[sa01_s02] (revised Dec 2017)