Caregiver and Youth Assesment Questions
The Assessment Questions screen displays when either the Caretaker tab or Youth tab is clicked on
Caregiver Tab displays a list of all Caregivers identified on the Assessment Details Tab, each with a drop-down arrow. When the drop-down arrow is clicked for a specific Caregiver the assessment questions and answers are displayed.
Subject area questions covered
Youth Tab displays a list of all Youth identified on the Assessment Details Tab, each with a drop-down arrow. When the drop-down arrow is clicked for a specific Youth the assessment questions and answers are displayed.
Subject area questions covered
Acknowledge Pre-Populated Scores - check this box to accept/acknowledge any pre-populated scores.
Subject area questions covered - Physical Condition of Home, Home Maintenance, Family Conflict, Family Safety
Prior Score - displays a score given in a previous assessment
Score - select the appropriate score from the dropdown, a score of 2, 3, or 4 must have justification entered.
Justification - enter justification for a score of 2, 3, or 4
[sa01_s04_s05] (revised May 2017)