Delete per diem costs from a service authorization

You cannot delete a per diem cost after you have saved a service authorization. Payment cannot be requested on a service authorization in "Pending" status. You can delete a per diem cost if the service authorization has not been saved.

Follow these steps to delete a per diem cost.

  1. From the Home screen, click the Financial tab. The Service Search Criteria screen appears.

  2. Click Service Authorization in the link menu. The Service Authorizations screen appears. Service authorization records have either "Pending" or "Approved" status. Payment requests are generated on authorizations in "Approved" status.

  3. Click the select link for the authorization you want to update. The Service Authorization Details screen appears.

  4. Click delete for the desired per diem cost.

  5. In the confirmation screen, click OK. You are returned to the Service Authorization Details screen.

  6. Click Close. You are returned to the Service Authorizations screen.