End a service

Service information is not deleted from TFACTS. If a service is no longer being provided, you enter the obsolete date in the service record.

Follow these steps to end a service.

  1. From the Home screen, click the Financial tab. The Service Search Criteria screen appears.

  2. Filter the service search results by using any combination of these options:

    Service Category
    Service Type
    Sort Result By

  3. Click Search. The matching service records appear in the search results

  4. Click the select link for the desired service to end. The Services Details screen appears.

  5. In the Obsolete Date field, enter the date to end the service.

  6. Click Save. You are returned to the Service Search screen.

    If the service ID is linked to an active record, the system displays the message ”Cannot obsolete the service. The service is currently being provided as either a placement service, case service or contracted service.”