Generate a temporary Medicaid card

You can generate a temporary Medicaid card from TFACTS if the need arises.

Generate a temporary Medicaid card as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click Financial > Eligibility. The Child Selection screen appears.

  2. Click Medicaid Eligibility in the link menu.  The Child Selection screen appears.

  3. Click Person Search, then locate and select the child whose Medicaid eligibility you want to view. After you select the child, the screen displays the Medicaid eligibility history.

  4. Click the reports link for the active Medicaid record in the Medicaid Eligibility History grid. The Document History screen appears. This screen displays a history of documents that were generated and saved on this case record.

  5. Click Generate Report. The temporary Medicaid card appears in a PDF.

  6. Print the PDF. The card is printed on your local network printer.