Record a broker day care referral

Child day care services are defined as services involving the care, supervision, education, and guidance of a child on a regular basis, in a place other than the child’s home.

Child day care can be an appropriate intervention and prevention service  for children involved in alleged abuse and neglect. Day care can also be a support service for resource parents and birth parents who are caring for children who have not reached school age and can also help foster parents in their care of young children with special needs.

If day care services are authorized for a child, the Department issues a certificate on behalf of the parent to their chosen provider. The Department provides financial assistance for the child care costs and makes payments directly to that provider.

Follow these steps to record a referral for broker day care services and determine eligibility for services.

  1. From the home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  2. Click the case ID number link of the case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.

  3. Click Broker Day Care Referral in the link menu. The Broker Day Care Referral screen appears.

  4. (Optional) For existing records, you can:

  5. In the Child’s Name list at the bottom of the screen select the child who needs the broker day care referral.

  6. Click Add Broker Day Care Referral. The Referral Information screen appears.

  7. Record the details for the referral. The following fields are required:

    Referral Type
    Referral Date
    Day Care Type
    Reason(s) for referral
    Responsible Region

  8. Click Determine Eligibility. The determination displays in the Eligible for Broker Day Care field.

  9. (Optional) Click Add Case Service to add a case service to the referral.

  10. Click Approval to submit the referral for to the team leader for approval.

  11. Click Save. The Broker Day Care Referral screen appears.