Record a manual payment request

A payment requests roster organizes payment requests ready for payment into logical groupings for ease of validation and approval. When it processes payment requests for a roster, the system retrieves the service authorizations due for payment in the selected month, as well as any adjustments the system calculated automatically.

However, services that are not associated with a service authorization and certain adjustments must be added to a roster manually. You can record a manual payment request to handle these situations.

If the system finds a payment for the same payee, recipient, and service, but without an authorization, the system will not generate another payment request for the same period. It updates the authorization number in the payment record and the units used in the service authorization.

Follow these steps to record a manual payment request.

  1. From the Home screen, click Financial > Payment. The Process Payment Request screen appears.

  2. Click Manual Payment Request in the link menu. The Manual Payment Request screen appears.

  3. Enter the invoice number and date.

  4. Click Link Resource to select the resource which needs the manual payment.

  5. Click Link Person to select the case member applicable to the manual payment.

  6. Click Link Service Authorization to select the service authorization for the payment.

  7. Under Service Information, complete the required fields as follows:  

    Service Category
    Service Type
    Service Description
    Responsible Fiscal Region
    Fiscal County
    Payment Type
    Authority Number
    Payment Start Date
    Payment End Date

  8. Click Save. You are returned to the Manual Payment Request screen.