Redetermine eligibility for a youth turning 18 years of age

A youth is considered ineligible for federally funded programs under Title IV-E after he or she turns 18, unless the youth is a full-time school student and on schedule to complete his/her secondary education or equivalent before turning age 19.

When a currently eligible youth turns 18, the system automatically creates a redetermination record, assigning "Age" as the redetermination type. You can complete the redetermination to verify if the youth is still eligible.

Saving the record with a status of "Determination complete" will freeze the record from further updates.  If status is "Not Determined" the record can still be edited.

Review the redetermination record as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click Financial > Eligibility. The Child Selection screen appears.  

  2. Click Person Search to locate and select the youth whose age eligibility you want to redetermine. After you select the youth, the screen displays histories of the eligibility and reimbursability records.

  3. Click the select link for a record in "Age" determination type. The Eligibility Redetermination screen appears.

  4. (Optional) Click the edit link to update the person profile details for the youth. Save the changes and return to the Eligibility Redetermination screen.

  5. Click Redetermine Eligibility. The system displays the result in the screen header details.

  6. (Optional) Enter additional information in the Comments box.

  7. Click Save to save the results of this determination, or click Cancel to leave this screen without saving the determination.

    You are returned to the Program Eligibility screen. If you saved the determination, the system displays "Complete" in the Status column of the record you just updated.