View a service authorization

The caseworkers complete requests for placement and authorize service authorizations for payment.

As the fiscal worker, you can view the history of service authorizations and also view details for a specific service authorization as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Financial tab. The Service Search Criteria screen appears.

  2. Click Service Authorization in the link menu. The Service Authorizations screen appears. Service authorization records have either "Pending" or "Approved" status. Payment requests are generated on authorizations in "Approved" status.

  3. Click the select link for the authorization you want to view. The Service Authorization Details screen appears.

    The cost type on this screen appears as "Contract" for contracted costs or "Standardized" for standardized costs. If the system does not find either cost type record in the system, "User Defined" appears. For standard and contract costs, the screen retrieves the cost information from the Organization Services screen or on the provider's Contract Details screen.

  4. Click Close. You are returned to the Service Authorizations screen.

  5. To view the history of service authorizations, click history for the service you want to view. The Service Authorization History screen appears.

  6. Click Close to return to the Service Authorizations screen.