View adoption subsidy disbursements

Payments under a IV-E Adoption Assistance (AA) subsidy or State Subsidized Permanent Guardianship (SPG) are managed in the system as a recurring payment over time or a one-time non-recurring payment. Records of these disbursements are tracked in the system.

Follow these steps to view a history of subsidy disbursements:

  1. From the Home screen, click Financial > Payment. The Process Payment Requests screen  appears.

  2. Click Adoption Subsidy Disbursements in the link menu. The Adoption Subsidy Disbursement screen appears.

  3. Complete the Agency and Month/Year fields and click Filter. The matching subsidy disbursements that have been processed appear in the search results.

  4. Click select to view details of a payment record.

  5. Click Cancel to return to the Adoption Subsidy Disbursement screen.