About search screens

A search screen allows you to find specific records in TFACTS. Since this is a statewide system, most searches look for records entered by any organization in the State. The system displays a search screen when you do any of the following actions:

Completing a search

A search screen contains a Search Criteria area where you type or select values for the record you want to find. The quickest way to find a record is to enter its unique ID number, such as a resource ID number or an intake ID number. If you do not have this number, use other criteria.

Some search screens include an Advanced Search Criteria link, which opens additional criteria fields you can use in your search, for example, the social security number on a person profile.

The Search Criteria area contains the Sort By list. In this list, you can indicate how you want the system to displays the search results, such as by last name ascending or date descending. The values in the Sort By list are dependent on the type of record.

After entering your search criteria, click the Search button.

The matching results appear in the Search Results area. Each row in this table represents a record that matches your search criteria. Click the select link to open the record for viewing or updating.

Searching to link records together

If you conducted the search from a detail screen, such as the Participants screen on an intake record, the search results include a select link. The screen may also display check boxes which allow you to select one or more  records. You click the select link or check boxes to link those records with the main record on the detail screen. After you click the select link, you are returned to the main record and the selected record appear on the detail screen.

If a search will return more than 50 records, the system prompts you to narrow your search criteria.

Sounds Like and wildcard searches

A search screen contains a Sounds Like check box next to the last name and street name fields. When checked, the system displays names that sound similar to the one you entered. This is a useful feature if you are not sure how a name is spelled. If you are sure of the spelling, uncheck the box for a more efficient search.

You can also use the % wildcard character for name searches. Type the % character before or after letters of a name. The system will look for all names that end or begin with the characters you entered. For example, if you type "Cof%" the system looks for all names that begin with "Cof" such as Cofey, Coffey and Coffman.

You can also surround the letters with the wildcard character. For example, if you type %van%, the system looks for names with "van" anywhere in the name.

You cannot use the wildcard character and select the Sounds Like check box at the same time.