Find records in TFACTS

The search header link, at the top of the TFACTS screen, allows you to find a person, intake, case, resource, or organization employee. When you conduct a search, the system looks for records statewide, not just in your own county or organization. Typically, you cannot add new records from search screens displayed form the search header link.

Use the search header link to find records as follows:

  1. Save any current work if necessary. If you do not save the previous screen, any work on that screen is lost when you click a header link.

  2. Click the search header link. The system search screen appears. This screen has several tabs to perform the different types of searches.

  3. Click one of the tabs, depending on the record you want to find:

  4. Enter your search criteria. See About search screens for more assistance.

  5. Click Search. The matching records appear in the Search Results area.

  6. Click the select link to see the details of the record.

  7. Click Close or Cancel to close the record.