Review or approve your pending work items
You may receive a notification that you need to respond to a work item task. This occurs when the originator of the task choose the Immediate option for the task.
Tasks routed to you also appear on the Pending Approvals screen when you open the screen from the Home page.
Follow these steps to review or approve a work item sent to you.
From the Home screen, click the Approvals tab. The Pending Approvals screen appears. This screen shows all your work item tasks.
In the Approvals For field, select the worker in your team to see his or her specific work items.
Click to display the task items under each category.
Click the [work item] link in the Task column. The detail screen for the selected work item appears.
Review the details for the work item.
Click Approval on the work item screen that contains this button. The Process Approvals screen appears.
Select the appropriate response in the Action list based on your role .
Reviewer – Can choose one of these options: Review and Route, Declined for Rework, Return for Rework, or Deny.
Intermediate Approver – Can choose one of these options: Approved and Routed, Denied, and Declined for Rework.
Final Approver – Can choose one of these options: Approve, Approved - Final, Deny, Denied, Return for Rework, and Declined for Re-work.
Complete other fields on this screen as appropriate.
Click Save to save the work item with the action you selected. Note the following rules for certain actions:
If you select Deny, the system displays a confirmation message to verify you want to deny the task. Click OK to proceed.
If you select Return for Rework or Declined for Rework, the approval process for the corresponding task must be restarted by the originator.
If you select Deny, Denied, Approve, or Approved - Final and save the record, the status is irrevocable and the approval process for this task item cannot be restarted.
See also:
Submit a work item for review and approval
Recall or re-route a work item before approval occurs