Record the screening decision for an Other intake

After the intake screener completes an intake record, the system notifies you that the record is ready for your review.

Record a screening decision as follows:

  1. On the Home page, click Intake > Other Intake Workload. The Other Intake Workload screen appears.

  2. Enter filter criteria and click Filter to find the intake you want to update.

  3. Click the decision link for the intake that needs a screening decision. The Decision Details screen appears.

  4. In the Decision field, select your decision for this intake. If the Decision field is automatically populated with "N/A", the only thing you will need to do is click on the Save button as no decision is required.  

  5. If you select Screened Out in the Decision field, select the reason in the Screen Out Reason field.

  6. In the Comments field, enter additional information about the decision or the reason why you screened out the intake.

  7. Click Apply.  

    If you are screening out the intake, the system changes the intake status to "Screened out." You are returned to the Other Intake Workload screen.

    If you screen in the intake, the system changes the status to "Ready to Link." You can link the intake to an existing case or create a new case. See Link an Other intake to a case.

See also:

Record an other intake