View screening decision maker remarks for an Other intake

If the screening decision maker determines that the intake record needs more work before a decision can be made, the decision maker will return the intake to you. You can view the remarks to learn why the intake was returned and what you need to do to complete the intake.

Note: Most other intakes are not screened. Instead, they are automatically accepted if the correct information is recorded.  

View the remarks for a returned intake as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click Intake > Other Intake Workload. The Other Intake Workload screen appears.

  2. Find the intake with a remarks link in the left column.

  3. Click the remarks link. The Intake Remarks screen appears.

  4. View the comments in the Reason for Intake Return field.

  5. Click Close. You are returned to the Other Intake Workload screen.

See also:

Record a screening decision for a non-CPS intake