Create a Predisposition Report
The Predisposition Report includes information such as family history, presenting problems, restitution, and sources of information. Record all the pertinent information that can be obtained about the youth, family, and the community in which they live.
Follow these steps to create a new Predisposition Report or update an existing report.
In the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.
Click the case ID number link for the case you want to view. The Case Overview screen appears.
Click the Predisposition Report link in the link menu. The Predisposition Report List screen appears.
In the Youth Name/DOB field, select the youth and click Add Pre-Disposition. The Predisposition Report Details screen appears.
Under Details, complete the following required fields:
Referral Date
Due Date
To select the district attorney or defense attorney, click Link Person. Select the attorney in the Person Search screen.
Under Topic Area, review the topic areas and the status for each topic.
If the report is not finished, click Save. You can finish the details for the report at a later time.
If the report is ready for supervisor review and approval, click Approval. The system sends an alert to your supervisor.
See also:
Generate a Predisposition Report document
Approve a Predisposition Report
Delete a Predisposition Report