Record additional details

Process: Record a person profile

Additional person details include other reference IDs, paternity information, active duty information, residency, and highest level of education. Record these optional details as follows:

  1. Click the Add'l tab on the Profile screen.

  2. Enter reference information, such as a driver's license or passport.

  3. (Optional) If this person is a child and is adopted, complete the the Previously Adopted, Date of Adoption Decree, and Age Adopted fields.

  4. (Optional) If this person is a child, enter the child's paternity information.

  5. In the Highest Level of Education field, select the education level this person achieved.

  6. Check the Employee box if the person is employed by DCS.

  7. If this person is currently on active duty or is the dependent of someone who is, check the appropriate check box at the bottom of the screen.

  8. Click Next Task> below to continue.