Record demographic and marital information
Process: Record a person profile
Demographic information refers to a person's race, ethnicity, tribal affiliation, primary language, religion, and marital status.
Record this information as follows:
Click the Demographics tab on the Profile screen.
Select the check box next to each race that applies. You can select more than one.
In the Hispanic/Latino field, select Yes if this person has Hispanic or Latino ancestry.
Select one or more ancestry types in the Available Ancestry field, then click Add>. The selected type appear in the Selected Ethnicity field.
If this person is a member of an American Indian tribe, select the primary tribe in the Indian Tribe 1 field and the secondary tribe, if any, in the Indian Tribe 2 field.
Select one or more of the person's languages in the Selected Language field. If the Available Languages field does not have the correct language, enter the language in the Other Language field.
In the Primary Language field, select the person's primary language.
Check the Interpreter Needed box if this person needs an interpreter for agency interactions and enter the type of interpreter.
If this person has a religious affiliation, select it in the Religion field. You can also enter a secondary religion in the Other Religion field.
In the Gang Member? field, select Yes if the person is in a gang and enter the name of the gang.
Add marital information, if necessary
Click Next Task> below to continue.