View or print a resource work item document

During the normal course of work on a resource record, you will want to print certain documents or generate reports for the resource.

Print work item documents for a resource as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Resource tab. The Resource Home Workload screen appears.  

  2. Select a resource ID to view the details for a resource. The Resource Overview screen appears.

  3. Click a work item link in the link menu, such as Linked Inquiries. A list screen appears and displays the available records for the work item. The report link appears for any record where you can generate a report.

  4. Click the report link for the record you want to print. The Document Details screen appears and shows previously saved documents.

  5. (Optional) Generate a new work item document.

  6. (Optional) Print an existing document.

See also:

View or print a form, notice, or letter

View or print a standard report