About resource inquiries

Each organization is required to maintain records of inquiries from individuals who express interest in becoming a resource home provider. When an individual contacts the organization, you record an inquiry. The contact may be made in person, in writing, or by phone. Organizations across the state record inquiries in TFACTS. Therefore, you should search for existing inquiries for the applicant before you create a new inquiry.

An inquiry is recorded when a person contacts your organization about providing home care for children. Inquiries are recorded for kinship as well as other home providers. You can make updates to an inquiry until the inquiry decision is recorded. After the inquiry decision, the inquiry record is frozen.

The initial inquiry record must include at least the applicant's full name, a mailing address, and his or her interest, such as foster, adoptive, or kinship care. The inquiry record remains pending until the organization receives an application and completes the inquiry, or the inquirer decides to cancel the inquiry. If the applicant completes the inquiry process you can either link the inquiry to an existing resource record or create a new resource record and begin the home study process.

See Record a resource inquiry for details on how to record an inquiry in TFACTS.

See also:

About Resource Management