Record a resource inquiry

Each organization is required to maintain records of inquiries from individuals who express interest in becoming a home provider. When an individual contacts the organization, you record an inquiry. The contact may be made in person, in writing, or by phone.

When an existing resource contacts your organization, you create a new inquiry if:

You do not create an inquiry if an approved or certified foster resource expresses interest in transferring from one organization to another. In this instance, the resource is not considered a new inquirer.

NOTE: An existing resource can make inquiry with a different agency if they are interested in fostering for them; however, the inquiry cannot be linked to the resource home record until the home has been closed by the previous organization. Also, a home can have multiple inquiries at one time from different organizations, but only one can be linked to resource record, depending on whichever organization the inquirer chooses to go with. The other inquiries would be Cancelled

TFACTS manages resource inquiries statewide. Therefore, you should make sure an inquiry does not already exist before you create a new one.

NOTE: Users can do a statewide search to see if other inquiries exist for the home if they wish to know if the home is inquiring in other organizations. The system does not prevent entering an inquiry, as a home can inquire in multiple organizations, but only one inquiry can be linked to a resource home record, depending on whichever organization the inquirer chooses. The other inquiries would be Cancelled.

Process Overview

Record inquiry details as follows:

  1. Create the initial inquiry record.

  2. Confirm the address information.

  3. Record inquiry referral sources.

  4. Record the child characteristic preferred by the inquirer

  5. Record inquiry follow-up activities.

  6. Complete an inquiry resource and link to a resource.