Create the initial inquiry record
Process: Record a resource inquiry
The inquiry record includes the organization, inquiry type, household members and children the resource home is interested who the potential resource is interested in.
Follow these steps to record initial inquiry details, select household members and any children of interest.
From the Home screen, click the Resource tab. The Resource Home Workload screen appears.
Click Inquiry in the main link menu. The Inquiry List screen appears. User can review Inquiry Information list to see if the home already has an active Inquiry or perform a search of the inquirer’s name to see if there are any other active inquiries entered for this home.
Note |
The system will allow multiple inquiries to be entered for the same home for multiple organizations with a status of Pending Inquiry or Pending Approval, but only one inquiry can ultimately be approved to become a resource home, based on which organization the home decided to go with; a home cannot be approved for multiple organizations. |
Under the Inquiry Search Criteria section, search by inquirer’s last name and first name. It is very important to verify that name spelling is correct as well as searching by name alone. This gives the user an accurate result as to whether the home is in active inquiry of another organization.
Click Filter. Any inquiries matching that name will appear in the search results.
Review any results to determine if an inquiry has already been entered for the organization, or see if the home is currently in active inquiry of another organization. Active inquiries will display a status of Pending Inquiry or Pending Approval in the Status column. Inquiries displaying a status of Completed are ones that have already been linked in the past to a resource home that could now be either Active or Closed.
If results show there is already an active inquiry for the user’s organization, then they may wish to either update that inquiry, if it is their responsibility to do so, or add a new inquiry of record
To add a new Inquiry, click Add Inquiry. The Resource Home Inquiry screen appears. Complete the required fields on this screen:
Inquiry Type
Inquiry Sub-Type
Inquiry Date
Click Add Member to select a household member for this inquiry. The Person Search screen appears.
In the Role column, select the role this person has in the resource home, such as Resource Parent.
Repeat steps 7 and 8 for other household members.
Click Link Child to select a child who the inquirer has an interest in. The Person Search screen appears.
Repeat step 10 for other children of the inquiry.
Click Apply.
Click Next Task> below to continue.