Terminate a user's access to the system

When a user no longer is an employee, or a person needs to have a new user ID, you terminate the user record.

Terminate a user's access as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click Administration > Security. The User Search Criteria screen appears.

  2. Click Maintain User in the link menu. The User Search screen appears.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search. The matching user records appear in the search results.

  4. Click select for user record you want to update. The User Details screen appears.

  5. In the Access End Date box, type or select the date when the user record ends.

    If you are creating a new user ID for the same person record, you must enter the Access End Date and then create a new user record or the person.

  6. Click Save. You are returned to the User Search screen.

See also:

Suspend a worker's access to the system

Create a new user

Create or update user groups

Assign user groups to a worker