Suspend a worker's access to the system

If a worker is on leave or temporarily removed from duties involving the use of TFACTS, you can suspend his or her access to the system. Once the worker returns, you can remove the suspension and restore the worker's access.

The worker's unit supervisor receives a high-priority email notification when a worker's access to the system is suspended. Both the worker and unit supervisor receive notifications when the worker's access has been restored.

Follow these steps to suspend a worker's access to TFACTS:

  1. From the Home screen, click Administration > Security. The User Search Criteria screen appears.

  2. Click Assign User Groups in the link menu. The User Search screen appears.

  3. Enter the search criteria and click Search. The matching workers appear in the search results.

  4. Click the select link next to the worker you want to update. The User Details screen appears.

  5. Check Suspend Access box to suspend access to the system.

    Uncheck the box to restore access.

  6. Click Save. You are returned to the User Search screen. The system sends a high-priority notification to the worker's supervisor regarding the suspension.

See also:

Create a new user

Remove user groups from a worker's assignment

Update employee access to business processes