Record a confidential court information report

Before an adoption is finalized, you evaluate the adoptive family and adoptive children and produce a confidential court report. The confidential court report includes data from the most recent home study on the adoptive family's record. These details may be edited to meet the purposes of the confidential court report.

The confidential court report may include more than one child, but only if the children are in the same adoptive placement home and are being adopted together. Once a confidential court report has been saved for a child, you cannot add that child to a new assessment record, unless the child’s existing adoptive placement has been end-dated and a new placement record is created.

If more than one child is being adopted by the same adoptive family, you can copy a confidential court report that has already been recorded for another child in the same adoption case. You can edit a confidential court report until a ruling type of "Adoption Finalized" has been recorded. At that time, the confidential court report record is frozen.

After the confidential court report is complete, the adoption case can be finalized.

Process Overview

Record a confidential court report as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  2. Click the case ID number link for the adoption case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.

  3. Click Confidential Court Report in the link menu. The Confidential Court Report Information appears. This screen displays each child in the adoption case for whom an adoption placement record exists.  

    If no child appears, then a placement record of type "Adoption" does not exist and no assessment may be recorded.

  4. Select the check box next to each child you want to include in this report, then click Add Confidential Court Report. The Confidential Court Report Details screen appears.

    Click the link in step 5 or click Next Task> below to continue.

  5. Record court information.

  6. Record adoptive children descriptions.

  7. Record adoptive family composition.

  8. Record adoptive parent descriptions.

  9. Record additional family information.

  10. Record assessment recommendation.