Link an Investigation to a Family Case
Process: Record an investigation
A CPS worker can link an open Investigation to a Family case; either to one that exists or to one that the CPS worker creates. The CPS worker will need to first establish all investigation persons prior to linking the Investigation to a Family case, whether a created case or an existing case.
Follow these steps to link an investigation to a family case.
Navigate to the open CPS Investigation case, Investigation Topics page.
From the Home Workload screen search for and select an open CPS Case. The Investigation Overview screen appears.
Click the Investigations Topics tab. The Investigation topics are listed.
Establish all participants, answer meth. questions and get approval.
Click the Investigation Persons link. The Investigation Persons page appears with the participants listed.
Click the Establish link on the participant's row. Enter information and save. Repeat for all participants listed.
Answer the methamphetamine questions. The Investigation Topics screen appears with a "Link Investigation to Case" link. Note: Case Recordings should have been entered and can be entered now. Allegations/Classifications should have been entered and can be entered now.
Click Approval and route to your supervisor.
Create a new Family Case or link to an existing case.
After the supervisor approves, navigate to the Investigation Topics screen and click Link Investigation to Case. The Link Case screen appears, possibly with cases listed and possibly with a link in the second column.
Click the Create Case button. The Link Case screen appears.
Select Reference Person, Responsible County and click Save. TFACTS returns a new Case Id.
On the Link Case screen, there may be a list of one or more cases with (or without) link in the second column. Before clicking link you can view the Family Case and the Case Members without linking to the case.
Click to view the Family Case Members without linking to the case. Click a Case Name to view the Family Case Overview without linking to the case.
Click link in the second column next to the Case ID of the Case you wish to link the investigation to. The Link Existing Case screen appears. Note: If the same Case Name is listed multiple times please report this to your FCCR to help make a determination about which family case should be used. Note: If there is no "link" link then your Investigation cannot be linked to this case.
In the Action drop-down box, [ON WHAT SCREEN???] make a selection for each person who is not currently a Member of the existing Family Case. The options to choose from are:
Add as Case Member
Add as Associated Person
Do not add to Case
Click Save when all selections have been made. You are returned to the Case Overview screen of the Investigation.
Note: To view the Family Case that you just linked the Investigation case to Click the Link Investigation to Case link and select the Case Name that corresponds to the Case ID the investigation was linked to or click Close on the Investigation Case to return to the Case Workload tab. Click the to see all cases listed. Click the Case ID link for the Family Case you linked the Investigation to. Only the Family Case will be listed on the Workload after linking the Investigation to a Family Case.
To create a new case, click Create Case. The Create Case screen appears.
Review the participants list. As a default, each person in the investigation case will become a Member in the new Family Case, unless the selection is changed to Associated Person.
Select the reference person in the Case Reference Person field. In most circumstances, the CRP should be the Birth Mother unless her parental rights have been terminated or she is deceased. The case may have only one CRP .
Select Responsible County from the drop-down box.
Click Save. The system creates a new case ID and displays the message: Investigation # (number) has been linked to Case # (number). Click Close. The worker roles from the Investigation case are transferred to the newly created Family Case.
You are returned to the Case Overview screen of the Investigation.
Note: Only the Family Case will be listed on the Workload after linking the Investigation to a Family Case.