Determine Interdependent Living program eligibility for a youth
You can determine if youth are eligible for Interdependent Living (IL) programs and services. Programs include Custody, DCS Post-Custody, Transitional Living, and SPG/Adoption. The system performs an initial calculation and you can override the result if appropriate. Overrides must be approved by the team leader.
If the youth is eligible for the selected program, you can select services for the youth to receive. Services include educational progress, employment, maintenance of physical and mental health care, and housing opportunities. When you select any services, the system initiates the appropriate service referrals.
Follow these steps to determine IL eligibility for a youth.
From the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.
Open the list of cases by clicking next to your name. The list of your assigned cases appears.
Click the case ID number link of the case you want to view. The Case Overview screen appears.
Click IL Program Eligibility and Service Referral in the link menu. The IL Program Eligibility and Service Referrals screen appears. This screen displays the eligibility records for any case members.
To document eligibility for a youth, select the member in the Youth Name list and click Add IL Eligibility. The IL Program Eligibility Determination screen appears.
Select the program and click Determine Eligibility. The system calculates the eligibility based on program rules and displays the result.
If the calculated result is "eligible" and you agree, continue to step 9.
If the calculated result is "not eligible" and you agree, continue to step 10.
If you disagree with the calculated result, enter an override.
Under Service Referral, click add case service to add services for the youth. The Case Services screen appears. Complete the details on this screen and click Save. You are returned to the IL Program Eligibility Determination screen.
Click Save. You are returned to the IL Program Eligibility and Service Referrals screen.
See also: