Delete a permanency plan from a case
Before a permanency plan is approved by the Team Leader, the plan remains in the "In Progress" status. The plan can be deleted from the case while in this status. When you delete a permanency plan , all linked visitation plans, CFTMs, strengths, and concerns are unlinked.
Follow these steps to delete a permanency plan .
From the Home screen, Expand and Select an Ongoing case. The Case Overview screen appears.
Click Permanency Plans in the link menu. The Permanency Plans screen appears.
If necessary, enter filter criteria and click Filter to locate the permanency plan you want to delete. The matching plans appear in the results grid.
Click the delete link for the plan you want to delete from the case.
In the confirmation message, click OK. The system removes the record from the Permanency Plans screen.
If any visitation plans, CFTMs, strengths, and concerns were linked, these records are also unlinked.
See also: