Record a placement exception request

Follow these steps to record a placement exception request (PER).

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  2. Select the case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.

  3. Click the Placements link in the main link menu. The Placements Information screen appears.

  4. Click the exception requests link for the placement record that needs an exception request. The PER List screen appears.    

  5. Click Create PER. The PER Details screen appears. This screen displays the potential exceptions, generated by the system, for the child.

  6. Under Placement Exceptions, click a link. The PER Compliance Details screen appears. Check the boxes to indicate whether the request is compliant or not compliant and click Save. You are returned to the PER Details screen.

  7. Under Placement Justification Topic, click a link. The Justification Topic screen appears. This screen displays the potential justification reasons, generated by the system, for the child. Enter an explanation for the exception and click Save. You are returned to the PER Details screen.

  8. Under Placement Assurances, enter the date of the next Child and Family Team Meeting.

  9. Check the assurance statements that apply to this PER.

  10. If you have a verbal approval for the PER, enter the date and time of the approval.

  11. If the child generated the PER, select Yes.

  12. If this PER is ready for final approval, click Approval. If the PER is still in progress, click Save. You are returned to the PER List screen.

See also:

Record a placement referral

Record a placement from the placement referral  

Delete a placement referral

View the history of placement corrections for a case