Record a placement referral

You record a placement referral when you want to locate a resource home for a child or a sibling group. You initiate the referral by recording the basic information that identifies the needed service and the expected date of placement. This task helps ensure that children are matched with resource parents who will meet their needs.

Record a placement request or update its status as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  2. Open the list of cases by clicking next to your name. The list of your assigned cases appears.

  3. Click the case ID number link of the case you want to view. The Case Overview screen appears.

  4. Click the Placement Referral link in the main link menu. The Placement Referrals screen appears.

  5. Under the referrals table, select the child's name and click Add Placement Referral to record a new placement referral. The Referral Information screen appears.

  6. Under Referral Information, select the responsible FSW and the responsible PSD worker.

  7. Under Placement Needs, select the preference for siblings, service category and service type.

  8. If placement with siblings is preferred, click Select Siblings to select the siblings. In the Selected Siblings screen , check one or more names of the siblings and click OK. You are returned to the Referral Information screen.

  9. Click Save. You are returned to the Placement Referrals screen. The system sends an alert to the selected PSD.

After the referral is complete, the Placement Service Division worker completes the process by recording a placement record for the child and selecting of the most appropriate resource home. See Record a placement from the placement request.  

See also:

Delete a placement referral

Record a placement exception request