User Search
On this screen you search for users in the system. From here you can also add new users and associate the correct employee records with the user.
A user has only one active user ID but may have more than one employee record. A user has multiple employee records if the user works for more than one organization. In this situation, each employee record is associated with the one user ID.
If you receive a request to change a user's access to the system, you may need to change the access on each employee record, if the user has more than one.
When you search for user records, the system retrieves employee records that are associated with the ID you entered as search criteria. The search results also include any employee records that have not been linked to any user ID in the system yet.
If a user's access was terminated and that user is being re-introduced to TFACTS, you must create a new user record.
Click select to view the user record and its associated employee record.
Click Add User to create a new user record and associate the record with an employee record.
Terminate a user's access to the system
[CF28 s01]