Case Court Actions
This screen displays the court actions associated with a child welfare case. You can also see court actions that were marked in error.
Case Header grid: grid displays the unique TFACTS case ID, Case Name, Case Status and Organization (Region) of responsibility
Court Actions Search Criteria grid: Gives user the option to enter search criteria as needed.
Search Criteria Grid table
Court Action Category: Select the category of court actions you want to find.
Action Concerning: Select the name of the active case member. A High Risk [HR] tag by the child/youth name displays when a CANS has been approved and results in a score of 2 or higher in specific domains. TFACTS shall display a tag of [HR] by the child/youth’s name in order to provide an immediate visual indicator that the child/youth has been determined to be High-Risk.
From: Type or select the date to find court actions recorded after this date.
To: Type or select the date to find court actions recorded before this date.
Sort Results By: Select the sort order for displaying the search results.
Include Marked In Error: Select this check box to include court actions that have been marked in error.
Click Search to view the court action records for the case.
Click Clear Form to clear the search criteria grid.
Links and buttons in the Court Actions History table:
select: click to view or update a court action record.
documents: allows you to view any documents uploaded for review ie. subpoena, petitions etc.
amend: click to amend a filed petition or motion.
link court action: click to link the court action to another court action.
Action Category: Utilize the Action Category drop down box to select the type of legal action to be entered into the TFACTS system.
Mapping Default: System default for the drop down.
Create Court Order: Will create a new Court Order for documentation.
Create Hearing: Will create a new Hearing for documentation.
Create Notification: Will create a new Notification for documentation.
Note: Primarily utilized by Legal Staff.
Create Pleading: Will create a new Pleading for documentation.
Note: User will be able to enter a motion or petition in the documentation.
Add Action: Click to record a new court action record for the action category selected.
Close: Returns to Case Members Legal History
Adding Removal Reason of NAS Prosecution
Custody Court Order, Legal Status & Removal Reason
Entering a Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) Petition
Entering Perm Plan Ratification Hearing Order
[CM01] (revised Jan 2018)