Intake - Participant - General
On this screen Child Abuse Hotline workers can add or edit the participants in an alleged incident, and enter the participant's role, including but not limited to alleged child victim and alleged perpetrator. Participants may choose to be "Unknown", in which case no participant identification information needs to be entered and the worker on the case can add details about the participant's identity at a later date.
Adding a Participant - Either check the Unknown Participant box or add a participant's identifying information. Name Type, First Name and/or Last Name must be entered. Even though all other information is optional, enter as much information as you have about a participant, including the person's role in the alleged incident.
Editing Participant Information - When editing participant information (by clicking the select link on the Participants screen) any participant information, except for information that was pulled from a person's profile, can be edited up until the time the intake is linked to a case.
Available Roles - One or more available roles can be entered. To select multiple roles, click one Available Role, hold down the Ctrl key, click another role, and click the Add>> button.
Record intake participant information
[IN01a s02] (revised Jan 2019)