IPP Topic Information
On this screen you select a Topic Area and record the needs, strengths, goals and related action steps that the youth should perform as part of the plan, for the selected Topic Area.
Social Skills
Family/Community Reunification
Clicking a Topic Area displays a Topic Area Information screen with a grid for the Topic Area selected.
Click select to view or update information for a goal.
Click action step to view, enter, or update specific action steps for the goal.
DCS uses the Individual Program Plan (IPP) as a tool to document a treatment plan for a youth placed in a YDC or DCS group operated home. The content of an IPP is determined within the context of a Child and Family Team meeting. Document the IPP in the CFTM as a Need. Select "Individual Program Plan" as one of the CFTM Types.
Record an Individual Program Plan for a youth
View an Individual Program Plan