Person Profile - Basic

The Person Profile – Basic screen allows view and entry of a person's name and basic identifying information.  

To create a person record in TFACTS, a Person Search must be completed to ensure the person to be created doesn’t already exist. If the person cannot be found in TFACTS, a new person record can be created. The Person Profile – Basic screen is the first screen encountered when creating a new person record in TFACTS.

There are three (3) fields on this screen that are denoted with a red asterisk (*). The red asterisk (*)  in TFACTS means the field is a required field that must be entered in order to successfully complete the transaction (in this example, adding a person). The three required fields on this screen are:

·          Name Type

·          First Name

·          Last Name

There are two (2) fields on this screen whose labels are in bold red font with a blue plus (+) sign.  Fields with the bold red font and a blue plus (+) sign in TFACTS means that the information is a key element in Agency, State and/or Federal reporting.  Even though it’s not required, it’s a good idea to enter this information as soon as it's available and avoid a dreaded ‘data clean-up’ activity at a later date.  The two reporting elements on this page are:

·          Gender

·   DOB - if the DOB field is not active clear any estimated age fields (Day(s), Month(s), Year(s)) then click apply to activate the DOB field/calendar

Another important field on this screen is the SSN (Social Security Number) field.  It is not denoted as a required field or a reporting element.  However, it is an extremely important piece of information.  If the person in focus is or will become a child/youth receiving services OR a resource parent, a valid SSN is required.  Once again it's best to enter this information as soon as it's available and avoid issues downstream.


Fields on this screen

How do I...

Record a person profile

Record a person's name and other details

Enter an additional name



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