Birth Information
This screen allows you to view, add, or update the medical details concerning a child's birth. Refer to the child's medical records to complete this screen.
Hospital of Birth |
Enter the name of the hospital where the child was born. You can enter up to 90 characters. |
County |
Select the name of the county where the child was born. Select Other if the child was not born in Ohio. |
Other |
If you selected Other in the County field, enter the name of the county where the child was born. You can enter up to 50 characters. This field is required when you enter Other. |
Location Details |
Enter the hospital's address or a description of the location. You can enter up to 100 characters. |
Birth Weight |
Enter the child's weight at birth in either pounds and ounces or in kilograms and grams. |
Birth Length |
Enter the child's length in inches. |
APGAR Score at 1 minute |
Enter the APGAR score from the medical records. A score is given for each sign at one minute and five minutes after the birth. The score reflects activity (muscle tone), pulse, grimace (reflex irritability), appearance (skin color), and respiration. If there are problems with the baby an additional score is given at 10 minutes. A score of 7-10 is considered normal, a score of 4-7 might require some resuscitative measures, and a score of 3 and below requires immediate resuscitation |
Gestational Term |
Enter the number of weeks the mother was pregnant before delivery. |
Mother's First Prenatal Visit |
Select the month in which the mother made her first prenatal visit. |
Duration of Labor |
Enter the number of hours the mother was in labor before delivering the child. Use the format HH:MM. |
Multiple Births |
Indicate whether the mother had twins, triplets, and so on. |
Delivery Type |
Indicate whether the birth was vaginal or cesarean. |
If Cesarean, Explain |
If you selected cesarean in the Delivery Type field, explain the circumstances for this procedure. You can enter up to 300 characters. |
Position |
Select the child's position at birth. |
Heart Murmur at Birth |
Indicate whether the medical staff detected a heart murmur when the child was born. |
If Yes, Explain |
If you selected Yes in the Heart Murmur at Birth field, explain the recommended treatment. You can enter up to 300 characters. |
Complications at Birth |
Describe any complications that occurred during the child's birth. You can enter up to 300 characters. |
Complications after Birth |
Describe any complications that occurred after the child's birth. You can enter up to 300 characters. |
Blood Type |
Select the child's blood type. |
RH Factor |
Select the child's RH factor. |
Select the child's PKU. |
Sickle Cell Disease |
Indicate whether the newborn was tested for sickle cell disease. |
Galactosemia |
Indicate whether the newborn was tested for galactosemia. |
Other |
Indicate whether other tests were conducted on the newborn. |
Results |
Describe the other tests conducted on the newborn and results. |
Hypothyroidism |
Indicate whether the newborn was tested for hypothyroidism. |
Other |
Describe any additional tests performed on the newborn. |
Results |
Enter the results of any tests listed in the Other field. |
[PM01b s13]