Resource Inquiry - Members and Children
On this screen you record or update the details about a person who has made an inquiry to the Department about becoming a home provider. Details include the organization, type of inquiry, household members, children of interest, and preferences.
You select the status of the inquiry and record the cancellation reason, if applicable. If the person's application is accepted and a resource record is created, the system transfers inquiry details to the home study record.
Click Add Member to select the household members. After you add a member, you identify the person's role . The person making the inquiry is Inquirer 1.
Click a [name] link to view the person profile of a member of child.
Click unlink to remove a member or child from the inquiry.
Click Add Child to select a child if the person is inquiring about a specific child. After you add a child, you indicate if the child is related to the inquirer.
Record the applicant’s household members
[RM02 s02]