Home Environment - Transportation
This screen allows you to view, add, or update information about the resource provider's personal transportation and access to public transportation.
Record a home study
Record a home description
Number of Operational Vehicles
Enter the total number of vehicles that are operational. Include cards, vans, and trucks and other street-legal vehicles.
Number of Infant Car Seats
Enter the number of working infant car seats this family possesses.
Number of Toddler Car Seats
Enter the number of working toddler car seats this family possesses.
Seat Capacity of Largest Vehicle
Enter the number of seats available in the largest vehicle.
Is the Home on a City Bus Line Route?
Select the answer for this question.
Distance to Nearest Bus Stop
Enter the distance (in blocks, miles, and so on) from the family's home to the nearest bus stop.
Describe Alternative Transportation plan...
Enter a description of the family's transportation methods if the family does not have a vehicle or live near a bus route.
[RM07e s04]
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