Determine eligibility for Subsidized Permanent Guardianship
When you receive a completed application for Subsidized Permanent Guardianship (SPG) assistance, you use TFACTS to determine whether the child is eligible to receive the assistance. Payments under this type of subsidy are managed in the system as a recurring payment.
Follow these steps to determine a child's eligibility for SPG assistance:
From the Home screen, click Financial > Eligibility. The Child Selection screen appears.
Click the Subsidy Determination link in the link menu. The Subsidy Program screen appears.
Click Person Search to select the child for whom you want to determine eligibility. The system searches for the child's adoption case first. If there is no adoption case, the system searches for the family case in which the child is a participant.
When you select the child from the search results, the system returns you to the Subsidy Program screen.
Click Link Resource to select the resource home the resource home. You must select a resource before you can add a subsidy request.
Select SPG in the Subsidy Type field and click Add Subsidy. The Subsidized Permanent Guardianship Subsidy screen Summary Details tab appears.
Complete the Application Received Date.
Complete the Child Part of a Sibling Group Exception box.
Click Apply.
Click the Eligibility Requirements tab.
Select the check boxes that apply to the child's qualifications.
(Optional) If the child has been assessed for IV-E eligibility, this screen displays a pending AFDC relatedness determination record. If necessary, you can determine eligibility based on AFDC relatedness criteria.
Click Save. You are returned to the Adoption Assistance Subsidy screen Summary Details tab.
Click Determine Eligibility. The system determines the child's eligibility and displays the decision and date on the screen below this button.
If the child is determined to be eligible, complete these fields to initiate the subsidy:
Subsidy Rate Type
Recommended Per Diem Amount
The projected end date of the subsidy is the child's 18th birthday. The adoption finalization date is drawn from the child's legal record.
Click Approval. The system sends this record to the team leader for approval.
Accept or reject the eligibility results:
Click Save to accept and save the eligibility determination. You are returned to the Subsidy Program screen. Once you save the eligibility determination, no further edits may be made to the subsidy record.
Click Cancel if you do not want to save the eligibility results. The subsidy record remains in "Pending" status and can be edited until you save the eligibility determination.