Review or record assistance unit information
Process: Determine eligibility for IV-E Foster Care Maintenance
The Requirements 7-9 tab includes verification of the assistance unit (AU) for Requirement 7. The system draws members of the AU from the cases for all those who live in the same household as the child, including the child whose eligibility you are determining. You can remove members if they should not be part of the AU. Mandatory AU members may include a parent from whom the child was legally removed, but was not living at the address at the time of removal.
Review or record AU information as follows:
On the Requirements 7-9 tab, click to expand the AU Information details.
Verify the selection in the Receives SSI/FCM/AA column. When it runs the eligibility determination, the system excludes anyone who currently receives SSI, FCM, or AA .
(Optional) Click Add AU Member if you need to add more members to the AU. The Available AU Members screen appears. It lists all case members, as well as the associated persons captured on each case record..
(Optional) If you need to remove a person from the AU, click the delete link for that person. The system indicates the budget worksheets for the AU members will be reset if you remove a member. Click OK if you want to continue with the deletion or Cancel to keep the member in the AU.
Click Apply to save any changes.
Click Next Task> below to continue.