About Intake in TFACTS

Intake is the process by which the Department receives, records, and prioritizes reports or referrals made on behalf of a child or family. An intake is considered to be either CPS or Other. CPS intakes are reports or referrals that allege child abuse or neglect. Other intakes do not allege child abuse or neglect.

Reports and referrals may come in the form of telephone calls, faxes, letters, face-to-face visits, email, or other methods. The Intake module in the TFACTS system lets you enter information about the referent, the children involved, other participants, third-party involvement, out-of-home details, and so on.

Intakes are monitored in the system according to their category and status. If you are an intake worker, you view and maintain your assigned intakes in the Intake Workload screen.

See also:

About CPS intakes

About Other intakes

View the intake workload