View the intake workload

The CPS Workload and the Other Intake Workload screens display the intakes that are currently in process. From the CPS or Other Intake Workload screen you can create a new intake, view, update, and link an existing intake, and generate a report or form for an intake.

Once an intake has been screened out or linked to a case, it no longer appears on the CPS or Other Intake Workload screen.

If you are not an intake worker, you can search for and view intake records from the page header search link.


Find an intake record

View Intakes linked to a case

View Intakes linked to an investigation

View Investigations linked to a case

Links within the columns allow you to perform tasks on the intake. The links that appear depend on the status of the intake.


View the CPS Intake or Other Intake workload as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Intake tab. The CPS Workload screen appears and displays your assigned Intakes.

  2. (Optional) Click the Other Intake Workload tab to see non-CPS Intake records.

  3. To view Intakes in a certain status, select the status in the Filter Criteria field and click Filter. The screen displays only the Intakes in that status.

  4. To locate a specific Intake record, press Ctrl+F on your keyboard, enter the Intake ID number and click Find Next.

  5. View an existing Intake or record a new Intake as follows:

See also:

Record a CPS intake

Record an Other intake

Intake status