Assign an intake
The system provides multiple ways to assign an intake, based on the part of the intake process that you need to complete. An intake can be assigned after initially recording an intake, when entering a decision, and when entering a reconsideration. The assignment screen allows you to select an employee who is currently logged in or a county worker on the on-call list. Only Shift Leaders or Shift Supervisors can choose on-call county workers.
Assign the intake to a worker as follows:
Open the Intake Work Assignments screen in either of the following ways:
From the Home screen, click Intake > CPS Intake Workload. Click the Assign link for an intake record.
From the Home screen, click Intake > CPS Intake Workload. On the Intake screen Decision tab click Reassign Intake.
In the Intake Work Assignments screen, select a worker who is currently logged in to TFACTS or search for an on-call worker.
To select a currently logged-in employee, do the following:
In the Assignment Type field, select the type of assignment and click Show.
The logged-in workers who match the assignment appear in the list. See Intake Work Assignment for details about the type of workers who appear based on your assignment selection.
In the Assign column, click the selection field for the worker.
Click Assign at the bottom of the screen. The system sends an alert to the worker and updates the assignment history.
To select an on-call employee, do the following:
In the Assignment Type field, select County Worker and click Show. The fields under On Call Worker Assignment become enabled.
Select on-call worker details in these required fields:
On-Call Schedule Type
Organization Category
Begin Date
End Date
If desired, check the Include Backups box to include backup workers in the search results.
Click Search. The matching on-call workers appear in the list.
Click Assign at the bottom of the screen. The system sends an alert to the worker and updates the assignment history.
View a history of intake worker assignments