Enter a reconsideration request for an intake

A CPS intake is screened at Central Intake and assigned a track assignment and response priority before the intake is sent to the county or region. When county or region staff disagree with screening decision or other documented information in the intake, they can send the intake back to Central Intake for reconsideration.

Follow these steps to return an intake to Central Intake for reconsideration.

  1. From the Home screen, click the Intake tab. The CPS Intake Workload screen appears.

  2. Select the intake record you want to return the Central Intake.

  3. Click the Reconsideration tab. The Reconsideration History screen appears.

    The Reconsideration tab is only enabled for intakes currently tracked as Assessment, Investigation, or Special Investigation (SIU).

  4. To add a new reconsideration request, click Add Reconsideration Request. The details screen appears.

    This button is not available if a reconsideration request for this intake is still active.

  5. Complete the fields in this screen to document the reconsideration:

    Reason for Reconsideration Request
    Agree with Track?
    Agree with Priority?
    Reconsideration Comments

  6. Click Submit Reconsideration Request button. You are returned to the Reconsideration History screen.

The system returns the intake record to Central Intake. A worker will review the reconsideration and enter a response and then, you can view the response.

See also:

Enter a response to a reconsideration request

View the response to a reconsideration request